Search Engine Marketing

The #1 channel to drive paid traffic to your newly launched business website.

Search engine marketing (SEM) is an umbrella term that encompasses many different aspects of online advertising.

The most common SEM strategies are pay per click campaigns, in which advertisers place ads on search engines and other websites through bid-based systems.

Use the paid marketing feature on various social channels like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn to increase your brand exposure and divert the traffic. Facebook offers very detailed targeting ad options that helps you find your ideal customer and lead it towards your website.

Popular Search Engine Marketing Channels

Google Ads

Facebook Ads

Paid Listings

Paid Directories

Why SEM is THE FIRST channel for a new business?

When you launch a new service or a product, nobody is aware of that. It means almost ZERO visibility online.

SEM help increases the visibility of your site among other websites within your industry.

When using paid media channels like Facebook Ads, Twitter Promoted Tweets or even Google Adwords there are some crucial things marketers need to take into account such as keeping their messages focused and relevant while engaging potential customers at all stages of awareness.

Using consumer insights to create dynamic ads can help keep people interested in what the company has going for them.

Let's discuss the SEM plan.

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